Program Learning Outcomes

On completion of graduation courses in the field of Education:

 The students will be able to select the appropriate teaching skills and strategies as required.

 They will be confident of competing at global level through the knowledge, skills and innovative practices they learn during the program.

 They will be able to deal with class room problems using the teaching skills, methodology and pedagogical skills.

 They will be able to attend to the diverse needs of all types of learners.

 They will become disciplined and self-regulating so that they can transfer this attribute to the upcoming generation.

 They will feel a moral responsibility towards the society and will become cautious of contributing to it.

 They will become self-confident individuals with their overall personality development.

 They will learn the importance of social welfare.

 They will have improved communication skills through the linguistic activities.

 They will learn educational administration, planning, curriculum development and evaluation.

 They will be effective educators. 

Course outcomes

The course outcomes are course specific statements which relate to the skills, knowledge and behavior that student will acquire during the specific course

B. Ed.

After completing graduation in any stream ie arts, commerce and science, the students will learn specific skills related to field of education and develop ability to teach two school subjects of their choice effectively. After completing Senior Secondary, students can also opt for education field through

A). B. A. B.Ed. Integrated: After completing this integrated course the student acquires dual knowledge ie knowledge of subjects related to humanities along with the specific skills of field of education.
B). B. Sc. B.Ed. Integrated: After completing this integrated course with science stream, the student acquires dual knowledge ie knowledge of science subjects along with the skills specific to field of education